Saturday, April 19, 2008

Beloved Pet - Pharoah 1991 to 4-7-2008

Pharoah 1991- 4-7-2008

Pharoah was adopted from the Belleville Humane Society the same day we got Cleo. They were crate mates or I should say crates side by side. We thought Pharoah was a boy until we took her to the vet. As a kitten they could not tell at the Humane Society. As she got older we were told he was not a she! I kept the name. She use to have large ears like a 'bat' and had a long sleek body. As Pharoah got older she grew into her ears.

We lived in Fairview Heights, in my parents old house before there divorce. Pharoah use to jump onto the to toilet then jump straight up on to our shower doors. Pharoah would lay on the towel that was hanging there to dry. When Pharoah wanted down she would 'meow' and 'meow' like crazy for us to take her down, after we would run around the house to see where the heck she was! We would get her down and pet her, 10 minutes later she would jump back onto the toilet then onto the thin shower doors and would just lay there and dangle her arms. Each pet had their own personality and they are missed.

In 2006 Pharoah had a stroke. We were sitting in front of the couch and she had just jumped onto the couch, before you could catch her, it was as if someone threw her off the couch. Pharoah laid there, we took her to the vet, and they thought she would never walk again. Our vet sent to us to a vet in St. Louis, but they wanted us to do test, etc.. We wanted to wait it out. Pharoah had to rely on me and my husband evey 2-4 hours to hold her up to go potty. We slept in the living room of our apartment at the time she was on the floor in the middle so we could hear her and help her if she needed. She knew after awhile that we were holding her so she could go potty. Pharoah found her own way and when she was ready, (she couldn't walk at the time) she would spin herself in a circle and would meow for us to help her go potty. Hey, it worked! After about 2 weeks of this, she started walking on her own. Pharoah walked with a limp and was slightly stiff legged. April of 2008 she formed a turmor that grew fast and it was very aggressive, that the cancer was already in her lungs.

We went on vacation in January, when we got back we had a lot of fur babies sick. We took Koto to the vet in Feburary to get her breast cancer removed. The same time we found out that Buster our dog's liver function test was at 2189 instead of 100, then in March Pharoah's bump was small at the time.

Dog's show more pain then a cat, cats can hide pain well.

We couldn't se Pharoah in pain anymore. The last week she was with us she couldn't go potty or walk. We had piddle pads down for her where she laid. Pharoah was weak, so we had to take her to the vet and let her go. Pharoah is with her buddy Cleo. Pharoah will be greatly missed.

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