Saturday, April 19, 2008

Beloved Pets - Koto Jan 1990 to 4-19-2008

Koto Jan. 1990 to 4-19-2008

I acquired Koto and her sibling Poto after Jeff and I got married. A friend of a friend sent me to where she had gotten her cat.

I believe in 2004, Koto found my serger and fouru lovely spool of threads. Koto would manage to find my sewing machine, and just eat the thread all the time. No matter how many times I would hide and/or cover it.

I noticed that evening she had not eaten, and that she was having a tough time drinking water. The following morning I still didn't see her eat, drink or go to the litter box. As I was going into the kitchen I noticed her moving very slow, and saw that her tummy was a bit swollen. As I left for work, I asked Jeff to call the vet. I called Jeff to see if he had taken Koto to the vet, he said he had not since Koto went under the bed. I have heard that animals go to dark places to pass on. I asked Jeff to remove Koto from under the bed and take her to the vet that something was wrong.

I get a call from Jeff while at the vet. I asked if everything was okay, Jeff proceeds to tell me that Koto under went an emergency operation, and continues to tell me, that if we would have waited another hour Koto would have been dead.
The vet x-rayed Koto's body, she had eaten so much thread that some of the thread wrapped around her tongue and lower intestine. If Jeff did not take her in when he did the pressure of her stomach would have caused the thread to cut her intestine in half. Once koto had her surgery and was all healed up she was able to jump on everything and anything.

She use to bite my yarn while knitting, crocheting, I would just have wet thread, but she never eat it just bit it in half..

In Feburary upon our return from vacation we noticed she had a bump. At first we thought it was a fatty tissue. By the end of Feburary it grew fast and it started oozing. We made an appointment and found out she had breast cancer. We had it removed. After her surgery Koto was twice a loveable and she jumped onto everything, I mean everything, the bed, the couch...WE were so amazed. However, we found out she also had chronic renal failure, which she would go in and get fluids every 3 weeks since her breast cancer surgery. We thought all was well, but I tend to forget she was 18 years old.

4-18-2008 We took Koto in to check her left front paw since she was limping. We found out that Koto had arthritis in her arm, along with a heart murmur,and being anemic. The doctor gave her pain shot for her leg.

4-19-2008 This afternoon returning from our business class from SIUE college about 45minutes away, we came home to give her her dose of medicine. We noticed she had labor breathing. Jeff called the vet, with all the symptoms she has and being old. I am sure with the medicines along with chronic renal failure and everything else. We knew she would go but not this soon. She was breathing okay last night, up and seemed okay.

I dropped Jeff off at work around 3:30 today, had to run by my mom's shop to pick up my belated Birthday gift. I then ran to the bead store to get a few things and came home around 5:15. I opened the door as usual noticed all the animals in one room looking at me. Once I shut the door, she was laying stretched out on her side, she had passed away. I cried so hard, I would have rather been there with her. I was gone probably an hour an a half.

I will miss her sleeping under the covers with me. Koto was deaf and just because she could not hear herself she would have a piercing meowing.. While watching t.v. she would lay on my chest and her breathing and purring would put me to sleep.
Our Beloved Furry Babies..

Poto and Buster are still living....Poto has been crying and looking for Pharoah all week, now she is crying by her sister.

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