Saturday, April 19, 2008

Beloved Pets Cleo 1991 to 3-26-2004

Cleo 1991 - 3-26-2004

We adopted Cleo from the Belleville Humane Society in 1991. I went there to acquire a black cat and a white cat to add to the sibling sister I had at home. I found the black cat that was a crate mate to Cleo. Prior to us getting, Cleo she was being quarantined for an illness she had.

When we got her Cleo was just so loving, I didn't even think of a white cat anymore. I had to convince my husband to get two more cats. We were in the waiting room while they got Cleo. She loved on me and she must have known that my husband was the one she had to convince. Cleo jumped from my arms into my husband's arms and started licking his face and nibbling his ears, that is all it took. He said, 'okay, were taking her'!

Cleo would steal food from my husband's plate or try too. We use to sit on the floor on our glass low coffee table. Cleo, of course, would be underneath the table belly up. When my husband would look up to watch t.v. you would see Cleo's paw hook towards the plate and try to pat the food off the plate onto the floor. If Cleo was behind you on the couch and you were sitting on the floor while putting a fork full of food into your mouth Cleo would try to swipe the food off your fork. Cleo had a lot of character for a cat. If you told her 'NO' she would talk back by meowing at you. Just too funny. Like a kid.

She was spoiled as the others and lived a good life. In 1994, Cleo had an eye injury that we thought she would go blind, but she was not to our surprise and the doctors surprise. Another cat scratched her left eye and the claw hooked in and up through her eye. But with love, care and daily medicines required she could see fine, her pupli was not round but shaped like a football. In August of 2004 she had acquired some odd bumps on her stomache we took her to the vet and she had cancer bumps removed. They came back quick in March six months later but was around her back spine. We couldn't let her suffer we had to let her go. Our hearts were broken but her love healed our hearts and the fond memories. She will be missed.

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